Di♪♪Rhythm (谛韵)
  1. Lyrics Format Requirements

    • Each line must follow: [mm:ss.xx]Lyric content
    • Example of valid format:
    [00:10.00]Moonlight spills through broken blinds
    [00:13.20]Your shadow dances on the dashboard shrine
  2. Generation Duration Limits

    • Current version supports maximum 95 seconds of music generation
    • Total timestamps should not exceed 01:35.00 (95 seconds)
  3. Text Prompt Format

    • Use descriptive terms for style like "pop", "rock", "jazz"
    • Add emotions like "emotional", "upbeat", "melancholic"
    • Include instruments like "piano", "guitar", "orchestral"
  4. Supported Languages

    • Chinese and English
    • More languages coming soon
  5. Others

    • If loading audio result is slow, you can select Output Format as mp3 in Advanced Settings.
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ODE Solver
Output Format
Text Examples
Lrc Examples