Lyrics Format Requirements
- Each line must follow:
[mm:ss.xx]Lyric content
- Example of valid format:
[00:10.00]Moonlight spills through broken blinds [00:13.20]Your shadow dances on the dashboard shrine
- Each line must follow:
Generation Duration Limits
- Current version supports maximum 95 seconds of music generation
- Total timestamps should not exceed 01:35.00 (95 seconds)
Audio Prompt Requirements
- Reference audio should be ≥ 1 second, audio >10 seconds will be randomly clipped into 10 seconds
- For optimal results, the 10-second clips should be carefully selected
- Shorter clips may lead to incoherent generation
Supported Languages
- Chinese and English
- More languages comming soon
- If loading audio result is slow, you can select Output Format as mp3 in Advanced Settings.
0 2147483647
10 100
1 10
Output Format
Audio Examples
Text Examples
Lrc Examples
Two Generation Modes:
- Generate from theme & tags
- Add timestamps to existing lyrics
Method 1: Generate from Theme
Examples: Generate from Theme
theme | tags | Language |
Method 2: Add Timestamps to Lyrics
Examples: Generate from Lyrics
tags | Raw Lyrics (without timestamps) |